What have you been speaking over your life? Over your circumstances? Over the promises God has whispered into your heart? What have you been speaking over your family? Trust me I get it-it’s easy to focus on the negative. It’s easy to throw up a prayer and then immediately start worrying again or take matters into our own hands. Or continue on in a mindset that has always been there. That exact thing happened to me yesterday when I was chatting with a friend. The Holy Spirit told me, “Heather you always short change yourself .” I like to play it safe or hold back-in other words I struggle with believing in myself. That’s not a mindset that God has for me-It’s a place for me to be aware of and work through until I am free. It’s replacing the lie of the enemy with the truth of God. I have the power of the Holy Spirit in me to do all things for His glory-it’s not about me- this is freedom. These responses to life come natural for us. What if instead we began to get intentional? What if we began to take notice over our thoughts and our habits? What would change if we began to focus on Jesus instead of our circumstances? What if we actually believed what His word said? What would happen in our lives if we began to speak in faith over our situations? That things really could change? That hope is really real? When we stop worrying and taking matters into our own hands and make room for Jesus to do the impossible everything changes-freedom begins.
What we begin to notice first is our perspective shifts to the realm of “what if”? What if God does this? Our mindset begins to recall what His word says and we begin to see things from this advantage point. Our faith is what pleases God and we see mountains move. The enemy b flee’s and realizes we are serious about our authority, assignments and relationship with God. Our heart’s surrender and yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading. We start to see miracles happen. We notice freedom from the hurts and painful stories we have walked through. We gain endurance, perseverance and steadiness. We learn to pray in faith and trust in His timing. We go where He leads not where we want. Our faith spoken through our prayers activates the Holy Spirit to move. For angels to be dispatched to help. For our relationship with Jesus to grow deep roots.
When we speak in faith the word of God over our lives and situations we see things change. We bring heaven to earth. Mark 11:22-23 says, “ So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” God spoke the world into existence. We resist the devil and he has to flee in the name of Jesus. Our words have power to bring life and death. It’s so important to understand this kingdom principle.
So, I encourage you today to begin to speak to those mountains in your life. In your families lives. What if we took the word of God in faith and did what it said? What would change?
The scripture said -whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt but believes in his heart will have what you are saying. So, what are you saying to the mountains in your life? Do you struggle with depression? Say in the name of Jesus mountain of depression I command you to leave me alone. Be removed and I cast you into the sea. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus and I resist you in my life. In faith I am healed and am walking in freedom. By the blood of Jesus.
When the devil comes to test you-rebuke him, bind him up and take those thoughts captive to Jesus. Declare over yourself that you are free and healed in the name of Jesus. The battle will turn into victory! It’s important to be aware of our thoughts because the devil will whisper thoughts to try and trap us in fear over a situation or to get us to come in agreement with him. We need to watch over what we believe and agree with-we do not want to give the enemy an open door to our life. Any place in our lives that we are not walking in freedom and healing should be our indicator to speak in faith over that situation, hurt, disappointment, fear, and illness.
Our first step to victory is simply acknowledging to ourselves where we are trapped. Then we run to Jesus in a place of humility and repentance. We need Him. He is our healing, our peace, our freedom and our deliverance.
So, the question is-what mountains are you going to begin to speak to in faith ?
In Him,
Heather Bradley
