Do you feel like you are stuck in the same old same old and you can’t gain new traction? Do you feel like you take two steps forward only to take 5 steps backwards the next day? Maybe you feel like you can’t break free from certain thoughts or habits? Or possibly you feel like something just feels off and you can’t put your finger on it? What is it that you are carrying like a weight on your back and you can't get free from? Jesus said in Luke 4:18, " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed." Jesus set us free from the bondage of sin and we need to take hold of what He freely gave us, so that we can help others receive too!
Here are a few ways we can take inventory of our lives to get going in the right direction. These are great questions to ask ourselves to measure where we are and what’s going on. Especially when we are struggling. What we sow each day for ourselves will produce a lasting harvest and fruit from the Holy Spirit. What we sow will bring freedom, breakthrough, identity, and deliverance.
If you are feeling stuck take time to evaluate yourself in these areas:
Are you under a spiritual attack? Have you ever taken the time to recognize how the enemy operates? Have you taken the time to pray about this area? To investigate what doors might be open? We have to bind up the enemy from operating in our lives with the authority that comes from Jesus our Lord. Then we can loose the things that God has for us over us. The thing is though-is you have to truly want to be delivered from whatever is keeping you bound-if you like whatever it is-you will stay stuck. The addiction, mindset, etc has to become your enemy.
Do you need healing in your body? Mind? Emotions? Good news is that Jesus died on the cross for our healing-He freely gave this to us. Ask Jesus to saturate you with the Holy Spirit's presence. We are one with Him. The Holy Spirit came to abide in your spirit when you became born again. Your spirit came alive-you are a new creation! Now you need to ask the Holy Spirit to abide in your physical body, your mind, your will, emotions, and feelings. All of you! Is Jesus Lord of your life? Pray healing scriptures over you till you are healed.
What’s your atmosphere and environment like? What are you exposing yourself too? This can have a huge impact on us. What we watch and listen too and even what we engage. Who do you spend your time with? I think its a great idea to pray over the place you live as well. Bind up any demonic influences and invite the Holy Spirit to engulf your home. What is playing in the background? Worship music is a great atmosphere to be under.
It is a mindset? We are told to renew our minds and transform them by the word of God and by taking every thought captive. The only way we know what our flesh is saying or the lies of the enemy -is to know what the Bible says. We can re-wallpaper our thoughts with God’s words to live in freedom and right thinking.
Willful sin? We are no doubt all sinners and fall short-this is why Jesus died on the cross for us. It’s the Holy Spirit in us that allows us to live according to God’s ways. We are human and mess up here and there and this is where God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness comes in. However, we can know all the things and choose to willfully stay in sin. We know we shouldn’t do a certain thing but we keep doing it-this is not going to produce the kingdom in us and will open doors for the influence of the kingdom of darkness. There is no freedom found here.
Is it Spiritual? This goes back to creating spiritual disciplines in our lives that help us to become more Christlike. Reading and studying the Bible. Praying. Fasting. Communion. Living in community with others. Praising and worshipping. Being still before Him. Waiting on Him. Obeying HIs voice. We train just like we would in the gym-one day at a time and overtime we see big results.
In Him,
Heather Bradley
