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Shaken Much?

Writer's picture: Heather BradleyHeather Bradley

Have you been feeling shaken lately? I woke up this morning after being sick for the last few days and I was finally feeling better-praise God. I hadn’t really been spending time with God the last couple days because I felt so bad-my prayers were kind of thrown up in desperation of please heal me. It’s all I could muster honestly. I sat down with a new devotional I had picked out from a stack of books I had taken from my mom’s house awhile back. Actually, a stack is an understatement-I have so many books that I took from her bookshelf that I don’t even know what to do with them all. The devotional asked a question-it invited me to ask the Holy Spirit to show me the books that God had written about me and to pray about what His heart had for me to partner with Him on. This comes from Psalm 139:16 (CSB) that reads, “Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days are written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.” 

If I were honest this question caused a flood of emotions this morning as I began to pray. I know this scripture well and have prayed it too many times to count over other people’s lives. However, it deeply touched me this morning. The tears began to flow as I prayed. I began to realize that I had felt so distant from God and His plans this last year. I had been shaken and it had caused me to sideline myself. I had been grieving so much. I saw a vision of myself curled up in the corner of my room. I had to admit to God that this year had taken a toil. I started realizing that I had kind of checked out in order to deal with this season. Anyone else felt shaken lately? 

This past year has been filled with changes and heartache-some good and a lot not so good. Last September I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to step back from working at my church. That’s never an easy thing to do-lay down what you love. Doing what years ago was only a vision that had finally come to pass? He was asking me to make room to write a book and take care of my mom-who had cancer. Little did I know at that moment that she would be gone by mid- October. I am thankful that I was available to hang out with her during this time. I’m not sure how I managed to write a book during all that, but I did and it is now in the final stages of production. In the midst of losing her-my first grand-baby was born a couple weeks before my mom died. A light in the darkness. It has only been 9 months since all this began. To throw into an already hard season my husband was let go at his company and we lost our beloved German Shepherd, Hank-the only dog I ever loved. He was the catalyst for me that finally opened up the emotions I had been suppressing for so long in survival mode. Needless to say life has been rough. In the midst of all this God opened up a huge door for my husband. It’s an amazing opportunity-however it requires a move for us. Another big transition. We would not be open to something like this at this stage of our life if it didn’t have God’s fingerprints all over it. Honestly, we believe it’s a prophetic word that was spoken over my husband years ago coming to pass. There are so many loose ends to figure out-but we know that God will make a way-He always does. A new grand-baby, a book finished, and a huge opportunity for my husband-all amazing things sprinkled into a very hard year. I can see why the enemy has been targeting me so much. Life tends to happen like this. 

The enemy has fought so hard this year against me and my family. Trying to ruin some amazing things God is doing. I’ve been battle weary. As, I cried out in my prayers this morning I told God that I didn’t even know what the book He wrote for me said anymore. I felt so battle weary that I didn’t even know how to move forward. This season has caused me to feel uninspired and directionless. I have not felt like writing or creating content for my podcast-I just feel numb. I remember in January seeing a vision of an Etch-A-Sketch in prayer-the screen was wiped clean. Like a new beginning. I guess that’s exactly what has been going on. I know that the Body of Christ at large is in transition. We are being taken though a process to new wine. This requires shedding the old wine. It’s hard to be pruned, but this is the only way God can grow the new. 

The Lord reminded me this morning that what the enemy means for harm-God will use for good. That a new beginning is a good thing. New wine is a process. The tears we sow we will reap with joy. Suffering produces perseverance. God is in the details and never leaves us. We will dream again-hope again-hear clearly again. That because we are planted on a firm foundation we will not be shaken to the point of no return. The good news is we are in transition- but that means we will get to the other side. 

So, how do we navigate this season? Honestly, sometimes all we can do is trust that God will see us through. Don’t give up on Him. Take His hand and hold on tight. I’m praying this morning for myself and any others that are in a hard season too. That we would begin to dream and hope again. That we could feel His presence and fire again. To be over taken by His passion and direction. To give us a taste of the new wine so we can get excited again. Thank you Lord for carrying us through the hard seasons. We know that you are with us. 

In Him,

Heather Bradley

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Cristina Alva
Cristina Alva
Jul 05, 2024

Heather, I know this story too well and find myself in another season of it. The numbness. The quiet. Asking God if He remembers that I'm here. He told me that it's been me stepping away because I felt alone. When I start to dive back into His word, the feeling starts to go away.

I pray that you can see the lesson in these hard times you've been walking through, the shedding for the new. And I can't wait to hear about it in your podcast.

Will pray for the blessings you've been receiving to be sealed in the name of Jesus and proclaim victory in His name!

Heather Bradley
Heather Bradley
Jul 05, 2024
Replying to

Yes so true!!! It’s so easy to do right? Thanks for sharing!

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