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If Only

Writer's picture: Heather BradleyHeather Bradley

Do you believe? In John 11:40 we find Jesus saying to Martha, “ Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”  John 11 teaches us a profound characteristic of Jesus-He doesn’t always show up how and when we think He should. However, He does show up. 

 Sometimes we find ourselves in dire circumstances and all can seem lost-we wonder where Jesus is and why hasn’t He shown up. Just like Mary and Martha were wondering. How could they have known what Jesus was about to do? How can we know either. When Jesus’ friend Lazarus dies and Jesus shows up a couple days later He is met with Lazarus’ grieving sisters. “If only” was her response to seeing Jesus-if only He had shown up-her brother would not have died. We all have our ‘if only” stories. I know I do. You can feel the desperation in her voice. I've been there too. The astonishing thing in this story is that we read that Jesus wept too. Him being fully God and fully man means He understands our pain and suffering. His heart understands what we feel-this leads Jesus to move in compassion for the sisters and his dear friend, Lazarus. He wants to move in compassion for us too. Jesus had a plan that they couldn’t understand at that moment-it was to show the glory of God. 

If only Jesus would show up in our circumstances too, right? Have you found yourself in a season of wondering where He is? Why hasn’t He shown up? Or maybe like the sisters the unthinkable has already happened. When we are faced with these circumstances we are ultimately faced with a choice. Do we keep pressing in and believing Jesus will show up-no matter how long it takes? Do we believe He can do the impossible in a story we never asked to be a part of? What we believe will change everything. What we believe in these moments of our life will determine where we end up-maybe God wants us to be able to say-that we have seen the glory of God. Jesus has a way of bringing resurrection power to the worst circumstances-if only we believe. If only we would trust Him in the process. If only we would refuse to give up on Him. 

So much goes on in our journey to see His glory. I know that no matter what happens Jesus will do a miracle if we let Him. Our “even if” and “even though” stories can be redeemed. Only Jesus can do this. Our role is to grab a hold of His hand and not let go no matter. We must fix our eyes on Him and trust that He will show up. It's usually a process and in this process is where we grow weary and faint. He brings beauty from the worse ashes. I have seen His glory in the miracle of when He healed my son from mental health issues. I have also seen His glory in the miracle of meeting Him when one of my children passed away. I met Jesus in that space and my whole world was changed for the better. I got Jesus and I got to see the glory of God. “If only” we would believe. 

Jesus I pray for every person that reads these words. I pray that they will press into you and get to declare that they have seen the glory of God! Strengthen them in the process and the journey to you. Help them to keep their eyes on you! In the name of Jesus Amen.

In Him,

Heather Bradley

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Heather, you are so on target with this! At the age of 73 I have lived through many what ifs that I thought would finish me and I have learned that He is Faithful. He has used every situation and every tragedy to bring me closer to Him and increase my trust and faith in Him. And every time He has turned it around for good! He is good and faithful all the time!

Linda Hough

Heather Bradley
Heather Bradley

Thanks for sharing ! So encouraging! Amen

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