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But The Lord Stood With Me

Writer's picture: Heather BradleyHeather Bradley

Have you ever been in a season in your life that you felt like you might not come out of without some kind of horrible outcome? The schemes of the enemy were closing in and you felt the weight of the battle? Maybe you felt defenseless and not prepared for the battle that was being raged against you and your family. The attacks just kept coming like waves from the ocean knocking you down every time you tried to stand again. Maybe there were times that you even wondered where God was in it all? The attacks just kept piling up. Battle weary you get up each morning in faith-hoping today is the day you see your help come riding in. But hours turn into days and days into years. Where do we go from here?

I’ve been there too. Years of waking up each day wondering what was in store for me. Ten years to be exact of believing in faith that God was going to come through for my son who suffered with mental health issues-we lived our life walking on egg shells and in bondage from the attacks from the enemy. There really is nothing worse for a parent than to worry day after day for their child. The enemy whispered God is not coming to fix this-this is your story. You might as well give up. Your son can not be healed and has no future. Just accept the reality of how he is. Those 10 years were some of the hardest times to live through. The fear was overwhelming. The “what if’s” kept knocking at my door. 

What happens during these times in our life? Do we give up and believe the lies. Do we accept what we see? Thats just the way it is-the way he was born-the way it has always been in our family….put him on meds...he will never fit in...he will end up on the streets and I'll lose contact....these lies are arrows being shot at us to trap us in agreement with what we see. The enemy is trying so hard to get us to wave the white flag and give up. To give him full access to take completely over leaving us in bondage, oppression, fear, and destroyed. The Bible has so much to say about this. If we really can have faith that moves mountains and that God is the God of the impossible-why do we find ourselves in these hard places-that feel hopeless and overwhelming? 

God wants to teach us how to fight on the battle ground. He wants us to learn how to take territory back from the enemy in our families. He wants us to believe Him for who He is and what He says He can do. He wants us to see through the circumstance of impossibility to the realm of possibility. He wants us to walk in the authority He gave us. He wants us to be truly free, healed and walking in Kingdom purposes. 

If we do not learn to fight on the battleground we will stay in bondage. God taught me so much during those 10 years. I felt He had abandoned me-that I must of done something wrong to deserve this. God knew that what the enemy planned for harm He would use for good. God knew that fighting for my son in persistent prayer and standing in faith that I would change the course of our family line and the spirit of fear would be broken off of me and my son would be healed. He wanted me to see that sometimes He does instantaneous miracles, but oftentimes the miracle is in the journey. Spiritual warfare is often overlooked in our families. Not taught in the church and therefore we don’t pursue the fact that there is a real enemy coming to steal, kill and destroy. We go to the ways of the world for our answers-no God. We don't bind up the enemy and fight.

We don’t understand the power and authority of the Holy Spirit in us. We accept things as reality when oftentimes it's the kingdom of darkness waging an all out war to destroy us. The enemy doesn’t play fair-but for a Child of God -the enemy overplays his hand. He forgets that we might just learn a thing or two in the battle and wake up and fight. That the Lord is actually standing with us and defending us in His way and timing. 

2 Timothy 4:17, “ But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth.” 

All through the battle God stood by me and strengthened me even when I couldn’t see it-the fact that I got up each day in faith looking for Him for 10 years was His supernatural help. Nudging me to not give up praying for my son’s healing and binding up the enemy. He was my strength when I had none. He was my hope and light in the darkness. He was my grace for each day. The devil fought so hard for us. But God Himself delivered us from the lion’s mouth-so that this message could encourage someone else to stay in the fight and not give up. In verse 18 it continues on, “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.” Now that is a promise we can stand on in faith and rest in. 

So, if your weary from the battle I encourage you to stay hopeful, expectant and in faith despite what it looks like. Keep coming to Jesus every day to lead you , guide you, strengthen you and teach you in this season. It's the persistent pray that defeats the enemy. Stay in your word and worship Him for what you are asking Him to do. Do what He says-live in obedience-oftentimes what Jesus is telling us to do will look the opposite of what the world says to do-this requires trust in Him. Do not give up. Learn to use your authority over the enemy. Give all the glory to Him. Wait on Him. Don’t give up on His timing. Know that He is with you no matter how you feel. Bind up the lies from the enemy and bind him up from the situation. Look for patterns in your family line and close those doors with repentance. Give the devil an eviction notice. Watch your thoughts and do not come in agreement with lies from the enemy and give him any permission to move. Decree God’s words over your situation-they do not return void. Know you will have victory-He is your defender! Stay here for as long as it takes for the battle to be done-it took us 10 years till we saw the miracle of my son's healing and he is now a missionary. What would of happened if I would of gave up? Listened to the devil? Went the way of the world and cared what others thought? Jesus is our defender-our healer-our answer-our provider-our miracle worker-stay the course!!!! He is standing with you!

In Him,

Heather Bradley

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2 Kommentare

01. Nov. 2024

Love this Heather, I too prayed over my daughter for years and had the same fears as you mentioned above. God did heal her. The transformation was truly amazing. Thank you for sharing your story. God is so good!

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31. Okt. 2024

Right before I read this, I told the Lord… “I don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve prayed, I’ve fasted, and I just don’t know what to do.” Then I get this email with this beautiful word of encouragement! Thank you Heather for being vulnerable, sharing your story, and giving hope to the hopeless! This was the Lord giving me confirmation!


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